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Sodium vs. Potassium

For many years experts have warned the public about the dangers of consuming too much salt since the medical profession has linked it to such conditions as high blood pressure, osteoporosis, heart disease, and stroke. Salt ...
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2 Healthy Greek Yogurt Recipes That Will Give You a Punch of Protein

Breakfast, they say, is the most important meal of the day and you should start off your day with a meal containing fiber, healthy fats and protein. One of these breakfast foods that’s protein-rich is ...
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7 Liquid Calorie Tips for Losing Weight

Maybe you’re keeping track of every bite you eat, but what about that Iced Caramel Macchiato you just inhaled? Try these 7 suggestions that will help you to keep liquid calories from messing up your ...
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How to Encourage Your Kids to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

While kids should be eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, all too often getting them to consume healthy foods can be a chore. But it’s important: obesity is the #1 childhood health problem in ...
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Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Kids – Try This Counterintuitive Plan for Snacking and Desserts

As you strive to make yours a healthy family while balancing the stresses of a hectic work schedule, especially if you have teenagers, consider instituting this proven–albeit counterintuitive–policy of carte blanche snacking and “dessert” following each ...
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3 Delicious Healthy Recipes You Must Try

Eating healthy can be difficult. Sometimes healthy food doesn’t taste as good as junk food, no matter how much we want it to. But here are some healthy recipes that you might just love anyway.
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Avocados – The Superfood Your Body Is Craving

This blog post originally appeared on
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Three Nutrition Tips For a Healthy Workout

We’ve all been there! You are halfway through your workout and you feel the downward spiral. Your body is tired. Your enthusiasm has turned to mush. The end of the line looks really, really far away, and everything ...
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Healthy And Easy Dinner Recipes

On a busy night, the last thing most of us want to do is drag out all the pots and pans, and cook a big, heavy meal. Here are a couple of easy and healthy recipes ...
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8 Simple Slimming Tips To Adopt

For years scientists and researchers have gone back and forth on ways to lose weight and get slim.  There are numerous books published every day that tout the new plans for success.  Well guess what ...
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Healthy Lifestyle: Would You Like to Ease Cold Symptoms with Organic Products?

In the old days, adults only had to look as far as their household pantries to find the ingredients needed to combat the common cold. Case in point, let’s look at the onion. Also known ...
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Q&A: Processed foods can hurt your diet

Dear Marcia,
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