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Workout Tips

Keeping Up With Workouts While Traveling For The Holidays

During the holiday season, many of us tend to take a plane or have a road trip in order to see family members. Staying in a different environment may pose a challenge in keeping up ...
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Three Tips to be More Consistent on Your Fitness Journey

Working out is hard. There’s a reason why not everybody is consistent with their fitness lifestyle. Those who are understand that being consistent brings in the most results that are worth it. Why? Because fitness ...
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Pushing Your Cardio by Ignoring Negatives

You’ve probably heard the expression “running is more mental than physical.” Anyone who calls themselves a runner will tell you that could not be truer.
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Spring Cleaning Workout Ideas

Spring is here! The promise of warmer days and cleaner homes. Now’s the time when we break out the vacuum cleaner and eliminate those dust bunnies. It takes work to deep clean our living space, ...
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Can I Really Work Out Wearing A Mask?

The answer is YES! Like many of you, I went into a sheer panic when I heard masks were mandated even when vigorously working out at all clubs except Eldersburg. Thoughts like “I am not ...
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How to Find Workout Motivation

When it comes to working out, half the battle is getting started. Although that sounds easy enough, oftentimes, motivation can be hard to find. The next time you’re struggling to find the motivation to work ...
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What to Do If You Hate Running, But Want to Love It

Have you ever talked someone who loves to run? They make it sound glorious.
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Workout Tips for a Healthy Heart

Did you know February is American Heart Month? While maintaining a healthy heart should not be restricted to just this month, we do want to use this time to help you prevent heart disease. Here ...
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Why You Should Give Working Out with Music a Try

Some people will tell you they absolutely have to listen to music while working out. However, others might say they can’t stand it or have never tried.
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IHRSA Passport Program and TrainAway

Traveling for the holidays? Don’t miss a workout with the IHRSA Passport Program and TrainAway
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50 Squats a Day

When I teach classes that have squats in them, and that’s pretty much most of the classes I teach, people will often come up to me afterwards (or before) and tell me they can’t squat. ...
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Staying Active With Limitations or Injuries

Staying active and fit is not just for the top athletes in prime shape. Whether you have a physical limitation which reduces the amount of time you can walk or a recent or chronic injury ...
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