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Workout Tips

Challenge Accepted: Work Out While I Work

Did you enjoy American Heart Month? I didn’t really. But it’s mostly because of the embarrassment of being caught on tape doing weird workouts at the office.
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Best Workouts for Joint Pain

Many of us have a variety of issues that make exercising more difficult. One of the most common problems is joint pain, either from a chronic illness such as arthritis or by being a little ...
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Fitness for Active Agers Means Never Skipping the Warm Up

It’s important for everyone to warm up before a workout, and those minutes spent priming your mind and body to get moving are especially important for fitness for active agers. Learn how to make the ...
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Here’s the Best Time to Do Cardio Exercise

Shawn Arent, director of the Rutgers University Center for Health and Human Preferences, addressed a long-time concern of people trying to get the most positive effect for their workouts. When is the best time to ...
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Working Out: Hormonal Impacts

The positive impacts of exercise on the body are visibly apparent: people who exercise frequently will watch their waistlines drop, their muscles tone, and their endurance improve. But just as significant are some of the ...
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Stretches To Do Before and After Working Out: Static Stretches vs. Dynamic Stretches

Before you engage in any type of physical activity, whether it involves playing sports, or lifting weights, it is necessary to warm up your body. Ever since we were little kids, teachers and coaches always ...
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Quick Safety Tips for Summer Workouts

With the summer heat upon us it is important to protect yourself when working out. Remember, adequate sun protection is key. Wear sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, and hydrate more than you think you need to. You’d ...
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If the Heat Doesn’t Get You…

Tips for Exercising in Hot Weather Summer has arrived. Not officially until next week, but the temperatures the past few days have definitely felt summer-like.
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5 Body Weight Exercises You Can Do While Brushing Your Teeth

Body weight exercises allow you to work out even when you have no special equipment around. In fact, these 5 exercises only require one hand free so you can even do them in the bathroom ...
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3 Ways to Get the Inspiration You Need to go Running

Are you in a bit of a rut when it comes to regular fitness and running? If you just can’t seem to find the inspiration to do your daily workout, try these three simple tricks. ...
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The Lowdown on Achieving Perfect Planks

Personal trainers at the best gyms are often quick to admit it. Man or woman cannot get fit with aerobics alone. There has to be some strength training involved, preferably routines that include isometric exercises. One ...
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How to Keep Motivation for Weight Loss

Is a weight loss program part of your 2017 New Year’s resolution? A regular exercise program that includes cardio, strength training, and flexibility will improve your health and fitness levels and may result in weight ...
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