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How to Get Motivated After a Vacation

How to Get Motivated After a Vacation

I was on vacation and missed my Tribe Team Training sessions for a whole week. The only exercise I did was ride a bike twice on the boardwalk.  I spent the days on the beach soaking up the sun. The gym was a distant thought.

Tribe Team TrainingSo Monday morning came and the LAST thing I felt like doing was jumping out of bed after my relaxing vacation to head to the gym for a vigorous workout. I knew I had to go because I felt horrible. I did nothing all week and I was not the best with my eating as well.  Honestly the only reason I got out of bed and went was because my team told me before I left that they expected to see me back right after my vacation and I couldn’t let them down.

So wait, this has been the key all along? Every time I take a week off for vacation it seems like I fall off the wagon and it takes weeks or even months to get back in to the gym.  All I need is for someone to hold me accountable and I’ll jump right back on the workout horse?  SOLD.

Tribe Team Training

I got to my Tribe session and oh no today’s a complete partner workout.  I do one set of exercises then my partner does their set while I rest for a few seconds. There was NO chance to slack here.  We were being timed and we had to beat or keep up with all of the other pairs. I was dying after not working out for a week but I couldn’t give up and disappoint my partner. There is no way I would have been able to do this without the motivation of someone else. That is the key to getting right back in to working out.

Tribe Team Training

This is my last week of Tribe.  I was upset at first but then I realized next week is Tribe trial week and then a new season starts.  Of course I will be signing up!

If you have been following my blog I encourage you to take advantage of the free trial week. See if Tribe is right for you. I do TribeLIFE which is lower impact but there is also TribeFIT for those of you looking for a little more high intensity workout. I will be taking advantage of the free week so I can keep the momentum going.  I won’t have a break between seasons which is exactly how I like it.  The free week starts July 31.

