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How to Keep Motivation for Weight Loss

How to Keep Motivation for Weight Loss


Is a weight loss program part of your 2017 New Year’s resolution? A regular exercise program that includes cardio, strength training, and flexibility will improve your health and fitness levels and may result in weight loss as well. Yes, fitting into a great swimsuit at the beach might be your ultimate goal, but the health benefits gained by regular work outs are far more important.

The reality is, many people fall off the dieting and exercise wagon at some point, but this doesn’t have to crash your resolutions, goals, or swimsuit dreams.

How to stay motivated for fitness and weight loss? Try these tips:

  • Change up your gym plan with a personal trainer. A trainer can give you a program, educate you on the hows and whys of what you are doing, and provide the motivation to push you further than you might go on your own.
  • Try something new like swimming early in the morning to start your day or as a relaxing finish.
  • Listen to an audiobook or podcast while on the treadmill or elliptical. Or, watch movies in our Cardio Cinema.
  • Try a group fitness class like BodyPump, Cycle, Barre, or yoga. Studies have shown that people attending group classes have a higher degree of motivation, stick to the program longer, and work harder. Plus, you’ll make new friends who will keep you coming back!
  • Use positive affirmations at home. Phrases like “I love exercising daily (or eating healthy) and it helps me reach my ideal weight;” “Every day in every way I am getting fitter and slimmer;” or “Life is beautiful and I enjoy life by staying fit and eating healthy foods.” Repeat the affirmations several times a day in front of a mirror, or write them down and place them where you will see them often.

Finally, remember, it takes 21 days to establish a habit. If you miss a workout, don’t punish yourself. Simply get back on track the next day. The staff at Merritt Clubs is here to help you, support you, and motivate you.

