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I mean it, I am REALLY doing it this time!

So I have written about Tribe Team Training and talked about how wonderful it is, always thought, “This is great I am going to do it.”  THEN, life happens.  Work, family… and I just could not commit to doing the sessions. 

Well, I recently went on vacation to Florida and when it was time to get the bathing suit out to go to the pool, fear set in.  I was NOT ready to put the old bikini on.  I made sure my cover-up was on securely when I was out of the pool and only took it off quickly to jump in the pool and hope no one would see me.

It was then I was faced with the reality that I needed to do something.  For months I had been saying, “I have to get back in the gym” but then got busy and it took a back burner. Well not any more. I am going on vacation to the beach in late July and I will not go fully clothed to the beach.  I need to commit to a work out plan and Tribe is perfect for me.

I made the commitment to go twice a week for six weeks which is an entire season. I will go Monday and Wednesday until right before I leave for vacation. I knew if I didn’t commit to something where other people would hold me accountable I would fail so here I am.

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The author with her Tribe team, Team Hustle.

Monday was my first day. I took the session with five other people. These are the people who will be in my season on Mondays and Wednesdays and they are all great. In just one hour we all knew everyone by name and each of the Tribers encouraged each other. I am excited to see the relationships we form over the next six weeks. It is fantastic. We all have different fitness levels. There are no athletes in the group so that eased any fear I had of not being fit enough to keep up in the session. There we all were pushing through the workout together in our small group, encouraging and motivating each other.

I’ve committed to Tribe and my teammates will hold me accountable. Now I am taking one more step to be even more accountable.  I will write about my journey and talk about my progress every week for the entire season.  The good, the bad and the ugly.

I am sore today but excited for next week to see my progress. Stay tuned!!

