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3 Steps to Kick that Extra Weight to the Curb

3 Steps to Kick that Extra Weight to the Curb

bigstock-Go-Jog-3357370If you put on a few extra pounds during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re definitely not alone. Let’s face it: the coronavirus has put a damper on many aspects of our lives, including our relationships, our mental health, and of course, our physical health.

It’s so important to remember that routine exercise and fitness can improve your overall mental state, your sleep schedule, and your mood. Here’s how you can kick that extra weight to the curb, and feel better about yourself in no time.

Step 1: Keep Moving! 

As soon as “in-home isolation” began, did you notice those extra pounds the next time you stepped on the scale? Don’t despair. It’s normal, and it makes perfect sense. When you’re stuck working in your pajamas every day, and when staying at home is strongly encouraged, it’s natural to move less and lose motivation.

Force yourself to move even when you don’t feel like it. Get up and go for a walk around the neighborhood, or take a jog. Make sure to take “move” breaks throughout the day, such as yoga, stretching, or even jumping jacks. Every little bit helps, and moving can make all the difference.

Step 2: Stop Eating Out so Often 

In today’s world, it’s becoming easier and easier to order food online, and get everything delivered directly to your door. While that’s nice to do once in a while, when you order Chinese take out or pizza delivery multiple times a week, those fatty foods can really take their toll.

If you want to keep it safe, why not try ordering your groceries online then pick them up curbside or have them delivered? Then you can make yourself and your family a healthy, nutritious meal. Not only is this more cost-effective, but you have more control over what goes into your body because you get to choose each ingredient.

If juggling between working from home and managing your kids’ virtual learning leaves you no time to cook, consider healthy and delicious ready-made meals like LM Prep. All you have to do is order online and pick it up from a designated club. Getting some fresh air as you pick your meals up is an extra perk!

Step 3: Find a Workout Routine and Stick to it 

One of the best ways to lose weight is to find a fun exercise routine. At Merritt Clubs, you have the opportunity to join group fitness classes such as boot camps, cycling, dance, aquatics, and more. We have established safety measures with new cleaning and sanitation protocols as well as enhancements in each of our clubs.

Or, if you don’t feel comfortable going to the gym yet, you can join our upcoming virtual classes as well. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels to be the first to know once it launches.

No matter what you enjoy doing, or where you enjoy doing it, creating a schedule for yourself is a great start to losing weight.

