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I’m three weeks into Tribe Team Training and I am loving it.  I am going on vacation next week and I am really feeling anxious that I am going to miss my sessions for that time. I am addicted. My coach is amazing. There are two of us on our team that will miss some time next week so our coach offered to come in Saturday to show us one of this week’s workout.  This is the extra attention you get when you have a team of people training together keeping you motivated.

People have asked me what I am doing because they are seeing a difference in my appearance. When I tell them I am doing Tribe Team Training I am confused by their reaction.  They say “Oh, you do that. You have to be an athlete to do that or really in shape.” Not the truth, anyone can do it.  I think people get intimidated by the word “training” when the focus is really on the word “team”.

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The mother/daughter team of Jenn and Kitty

We have so many different people in our group, we even have a mother/daughter team. So yes, you can even do this with your mom.  Don’t let the name scare you.  I’m already planning on signing up for season 5.  I would recommend that everyone give Tribe a try.  Season 5 is coming up in August and I know there is a free week of Tribe you may try July 31-August 4.  Don’t just take my word for it, see for yourself.

