Xtreme Aqua is a 8 week circuit style fitness class that starts with a body fat measurement and performance tests to create a snapshot of your current fitness level and let’s you know your alive.
We teach functional/natural movements to get you fit – if you see the movement in nature you will see it in class. We use exercises like squats, lunges, kettlebell swings, deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups. If you thought you would never be able to do an unassisted ups, think again. We have girls who can currently do double digit pull-ups. We can teach you how.
Some of the equipment we will utilize are kettlebells, medicine balls, ABMATS, superbands, agility ladders and cones and 20-minutes in the pool to work on stroke and metabolic conditioning.
Classes are set up to learn and perfect exercises, then put them into context by performing them under time constraints, you will then have the outlet to compare your scores with others in your class – prepare your mind to learn, work hard and be in the best shape of your life!