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Cranberries are Part of a Healthy Life, All Year Long!

Cranberries are Part of a Healthy Life, All Year Long!

bigstock-Sweet-Homemade-Cranberry-Sauce-264043777Welcome to the holiday season! Cranberries are commonly found at the dinner table during this time of the year, but don’t forget about all the other months and days! These gorgeous, ruby colored berries are packed full of nutrients which are ready to nourish your body and give you radiant skin and hair.

Perhaps the most beneficial nutrient in a cranberry is vitamin C.

You’ve spent your entire life hearing about vitamin C fighting off illness. But, did you know vitamin C can fight aging?

Vitamin C is a necessary component your body needs to produce collagen which keeps skin elastic and resilient. Consuming one cup (8 ounces) of cranberries provides you 22% of your daily vitamin C, with very low sugar compared to other fruits or juices.

Cranberries have been studied by nutritionists for years and numerous health benefits exist. They are naturally a very low-sugar fruit which makes them an uber-healthy choice. The bright red color of these traditional, holiday berries comes from flavonoids (phytonutrients) which protect against cardiovascular disease and stroke. The polyphenols in cranberries inhibit the growth of tumors, and have been found to be a very effective fighter against many types of cancer, including breast cancer.

The cranberry packs a punch full of antioxidants which clear your body of free radicals that exist in the environment and continually attack our skin. According to WebMD, when it comes to getting antioxidants into your diet, “cranberries outrank nearly every fruit and vegetable – including strawberries, spinach, broccoli, red grapes, apples, raspberries, and cherries.” When your skin is nourished this way it will become more resilient to free radicals as well as the cold, dry air of the winter months.

These little powerhouses also fight acne. A cranberry has a natural antiseptic component, resveratrol, which will inhibit growth of bacteria in your pores.

Other fantastic benefits of cranberries include increased hair growth, a boost to your metabolism, and a stronger immune system. These amazing berries can energize your day by being a great addition to a breakfast smoothie, or can help your body repair and restore after a hard workout.

Get cranberries into your life! 

Cranberries are not just for the holiday turkey anymore. Begin using cranberries throughout the year with chicken and pork dishes. Use natural, dried cranberries in salads or trail mix. Drink 100% natural cranberry juice. If the juice is too tart for your taste buds, consider sweetening it with a small amount of honey or stevia. Avoid processed sugar in your cranberry products or you negate the healthy effects.

Fresh cranberries are inexpensive and can be kept in the freezer for months. You can easily dry your own cranberries to ensure they remain all-natural and low-sugar.

Here is a terrific cranberry sauce recipe that is low-sugar, quick to make, and you can use throughout the year for your savory dishes.

The cranberry is a radiant fruit, readily available, easy to consume, and will make you radiant as well – inside and out!

