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Weight Control – 14 Tips To Help You Lose The Pot Belly

Weight Control – 14 Tips To Help You Lose The Pot Belly

1. Keep a journal of what you eat.

Record what you eat, the amount you eat, where you eat and what you’re doing when you eat. Note patterns you may want to change.

2. Set achievable weight goals.

Understand that gradual weight loss is healthier and it’s easier to keep the weight off. Three to six pounds every three weeks is a good rate of weight loss.

3. Avoid crash diets and skipping meals.

You can jeopardize your healthy by trying to lose too much weight too quickly. Skipping meals actually slows down your metabolism; this undermines your weight-loss efforts. It also tends to make you feel hungry late in the day when your metabolism normally slows down.

4. Trim the fat from your daily diet.

Limit your total daily fat intake to no more than 30% of your daily calories, with only 10% being saturated fats. Dairy and port fats are highly saturated.

5. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

Water is an excellent appetite suppressant, and it helps the body rid itself of excess fat and waste. It also helps relieve constipation, a common problem when dieting.

6. Plan your meals ahead of time.

By planning your meals you can more easily avoid too much fat or too many calories.

7. Pay attention when you’re grocery shopping.

Enter the store with a complete list in hand and buy only what’s on your list. Shop only when you’re not hungry and look for low-fat alternatives to typical high-fat choices. For healthy snacks choose fresh fruits and vegetables instead of chips and cookies.

8. Eat slowly.

Give your body enough time to let you know it’s full. Take a break about halfway through each meal.

9. Eat smaller portions

Know how much you’re eating. It’s easier to see how many crackers you’re eating if they come out of a bowl you counted them into rather than out of a box.

10. Exercise frequently & pick activities you enjoy.

As little as 30 minutes of aerobic activity three to five times a week can really make a difference in your appearance.

11. Mix up your fitness activities to prevent boredom and burnout.

Aerobic activities (cycling, running, swimming and walking) should be done at least three times a week for weight loss. Coordination activities (basketball, volleyball or racket sports) and weight training can be done up to three times a week, every other day.

12. Trade a bad habit for a good one.

If you have a te4ndency to munch while watching television, try riding a stationary bike while watching to keep you occupied. Be on the lookout for situation that trigger bad eating habits and change or avoid them.

13. Make problem foods unavailable.

If you have a hard time staying away from ice cream, don’t keep it in your house.

14. Reward yourself f or your hard work.

When you meet a weight loss goal, buy a new sweatshirt or a new tape to listen to when you’re exercising.

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