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healthy lifestyle

Staying Active With Limitations or Injuries

Staying active and fit is not just for the top athletes in prime shape. Whether you have a physical limitation which reduces the amount of time you can walk or a recent or chronic injury ...
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Taking Care of Ourselves is the Best and Most Important Project

And it’s about our lifestyle choices.
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Conquering the Healthy Lifestyle: 4 Easy-Fix Ways to Making Healthy Habits Stick

One of the biggest challenges as a healthy person is sticking with a goal long enough that it becomes a habit. For most of us, habits appear to be a test of willpower. We read ...
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Health Tip of the Month – July

Each month, will offer a tip in living a healthy lifetsyle. July will start it off with the first tip. Tip #1: Focus on what you can do right now & forget the rest! It’s easy ...
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Healthy Lifestyle and Weight Loss Tips to Remember When You’re at Work

When you’re at home, it might be easy to focus on preparing healthy meals, heading to the gym for a workout and otherwise working toward your health and weight loss goals. However, chances are good that ...
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How to Get Your Entire Family On Board with Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Old habits can die hard, and even though you might be ready to transition to a healthy lifestyle, you could be having a hard time getting your family on board. Luckily, following a few tips can ...
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Three Simple Things: Strong, Lean and Fit

We all know that when you work out or move, you feel better.  You act better and you simply are better.  So this spring let’s get moving and keep moving.
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Use Foam Rollers to Maintain a Healthy Life in Your Gym Workouts

Foam rollers are a common sight at the gym. Why? No less an authority than the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) notes that working a foam roller, either before or after your main gym ...
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Eating Autumn Escarole May Help Marylanders Lead a Healthy Life

As the season slowly turns to fall here in the Old Line State, autumn vegetables will be making their way into CSA boxes and produce markets. When they do, one item Marylanders should be on ...
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Health Life Tips: Say Hello to Low Calorie, Fall Fondue Parties

Autumn holidays, like National White Chocolate Day and Halloween, don’t have to sidetrack your goal of living a healthy life. There are actually low calorie options available that make joining in on the celebrations easy ...
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Healthy Lifestyle: Having Your Cake and Eating it Too!

You might have heard people say that life is too short and this is why they like to eat dessert first!  From the standpoint of a healthy lifestyle, eating dessert first may not be the ...
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Why a Fitness Routine Promotes Healthy Living and More

We all seem to fall easily into routines. Whether it be getting up and performing the same daily tasks, or following the same route to work, or setting a work routine, we do it all ...
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