Merritt Clubs Blog

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Youth Exercise Training

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I Think I Can Do it on My Own

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Benefits of Aquatic Personal Training

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The Importance of Cross Training

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Which Is Better to Lose Weight, Strength Training or Cardio?

A popular question that is always asked is… can I still lose weight if I am strength training and not just doing cardiovascular activities? The answer is yes, of course! When trying to lose weight ...
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How Adrian Lost 41 Pounds… By Doing A High Intensity Workout!

“Looking at my honeymoon photos I was disappointed that I had let myself get out of shape and overweight at 231 lbs. Although I had always been well conditioned by training for and participating in sports, I now found that I needed more. I began by watching what I ate and cutting out the things I knew were bad for me. Then I discovered Fast Trac. By doing this high intensity workout, that only took 30 minutes, I lost 41 pounds. It was fast, fun, challenging and always changing from workout to workout. It was like doing a fitness obstacle course designed especially for me.
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