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Workout Tips

Progress, Not Perfection

After teaching BODY PUMP last night, a member told me that I always make the workout look easy. Well, that was news to me! It was a tough class and at times I felt like ...
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3 Ways to Reward Yourself for Losing Weight

Setting rewards for reaching your short term and long term weight loss goals is a good idea to boost your esteem and keep you on track. The problem is that you may not know what ...
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Injury Prevention Strategies (That Actually Work)

We all know exercise is important, but we’ve also seen how it can result in serious injuries. From novices to casual runners, competitive sports enthusiasts to body builders, everyone has a story about an injury ...
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5 Sure-Fire Tips On How To Become a Runner

Running isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would do it. However, with the right mindset, dedication, and determination, anyone can start running. Check out these five sure-fire tips below to help you become a runner.
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Put the Beat in Your Feet

Whether we are conscious of it or not, our lives have rhythm. We hear the tick-tock of the clock on the wall. When we walk or run, our gait has a certain tempo. There’s rhythm ...
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Fit for the Holidays

Thanksgiving is next week! It’s hard to believe. It seems like Halloween was just a couple of weeks ago and now we’re gearing up for the December holiday season. People are already having a tough ...
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3 Alternative Exercises to Help Cut Down Shoulder Joint Injuries

No pain no gain, right???
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Do you Have Dead Butt Syndrome?

Your butt might be dead. Yes…that’s correct. Gluteal amnesia or dead butt syndrome is a real condition in which the gluteal muscles stop firing correctly. Recent research suggests that the majority of Americans can spend ...
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Importance of Self-Care While Working Out

Have you ever found a workout that you wanted to try? Did you jump right in and almost over-do it because you were working so hard to get that end result? Often, workouts, diets, and fitness ...
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Take It Up a Notch

Take your fitness to the next level. July is your ultimate high-energy month and we are kicking it up! Set yourself up for a month of quick stepping by making a daily step commitment. Walking ...
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Rolling in the Deep

As a frequent (or not-so-frequent) gym goer, you know the drill: get to the club, do whatever workout you have scheduled for that day, and get out. Great. Next. Move on and do it all ...
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Stick Around for the Stretch

You have just enough time in your busy schedule for a quick workout, and you manage to get to the gym in time for your favorite group fitness class. Class is just about to end ...
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