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Workout Tips

Enjoy the Holidays While Staying in Shape

The holidays are here and while the season is lots of fun, there is no harder time to stay fit than the time between Thanksgiving and New Years. In fact, most people gain, on average, ...
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Fire Up the Bands in New, Effective Ways at Great Gyms in Baltimore

Gyms in Baltimore offer the perfect way to break out of one’s body-sculpting routine. Sure, there are free weights, trainers and muscle-building classes on hand. They’re a great way to define one’s frame but so are ...
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How to Stay Active at an Office Job

Just because you’re not outside or in a gym does not mean you can’t be active. There are ample opportunities in every environment…no excuses. Staying active at work provides many benefits. Use these tips to ...
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How to be Confident at the Gym

Do you ever find yourself wanting to go to the gym but are afraid of actually going to the gym? There’s no need to be, the gym is a safe space to meet goals. However, ...
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Vacation Planning: Tips for Staying Fit

Okay so you booked your time off for your well-deserved and much anticipated vacation.  However, you’re a committed and devoted exerciser. So how do you keep going while away and not let your vacation sidetrack ...
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Stay Fit This Summer

It’s Summer – Have Fun and Still Stay Fit Summer is hot and all you want to do is lay by the pool.  Who can blame you? It’s cool, refreshing and much more fun.  Yet ...
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Health Tip of the Month – July

Each month, will offer a tip in living a healthy lifetsyle. July will start it off with the first tip. Tip #1: Focus on what you can do right now & forget the rest! It’s easy ...
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Beat the Heat

Summer is here and the heat is red hot. I have a workout scheduled for tonight, but I am on the fence. Part of me doesn’t want to skip the workout but the other part ...
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How to Implement More Cardio Into Your Daily Life

As you probably already know, incorporating cardio into your life is important. Getting enough cardiovascular exercise is good for your heart and the rest of your body, it can provide you with more energy, and it can ...
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Tips to Prevent Gardening Back Pain

Spring is in full bloom, and with all the rain recently we will no doubt need to work in our flower beds or gardens.  Below are some tips to prevent any back pain from doing ...
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Electrify Your Workouts to Get Faster Results

Well it’s that time of year – bathing suit season. Pause for a moment and don’t scream.  Having dealt with this for years I have uncovered a few simple ways to electrify your workouts to ...
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