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I Need a Vacation…From My Vacation!

I Need a Vacation…From My Vacation!

bigstock-Vacation-Payback-101013614.jpgYou recently returned from a fantastic summer vacation…a week spent enjoying family and friends at the ocean. A time filled with nonstop activities, late nights and a jam-packed schedule of fun.  It was no doubt also a week where you ate out most meals, more food (and desserts) than usual. We always seem to gain a few pounds on vacation.  Sound right?

You probably also were so tired when you returned on Sunday, and had to wake up early to take your normal spin class the next day before you head back into the office. At work you seemed to be flooded with the onslaught of emails, people needing questions answered and everyone asking “So what did you do?”, “How was vacation?”, etc.

If you’re like me, I end up by weeks’ end saying that I need another vacation from my vacation! And really, it’s true. When we get off our regular schedules and eating plans, our bodies need time to recover. Here are a few of the things you can do to help you get back…

1) Sleep. No late night TV for at least a week. Initially it’s wise to get to bed an hour earlier than you would normally do.  However, never adjust your waking time.  You need to get in a habit of waking at the same time every day.  Our bodies have internal clocks and need to stay aligned with them.  Sleep is maybe the most critical element in your health.  Take this part seriously.

2) First Detox. Avoid any heavy meals or desserts for at least a week. I actually try to limit both of these on a regular basis anyway. Both make me sluggish. Replace them with more veggies and fruits!  Get yourself back into your normal nutrition routine.  Eat good and healthy and splurge every now and then.

3) Play. Yes, there is always stuff to catch up on after vacation, BUT I know that if I do nothing but work, it’s going to be a stressful return. So, do your work…but stick to some relaxing things in between, like playing games with your kids or take a walk with your spouse and talk.  Sit on the deck with a favorite magazine or finish that book you started at the beach.

4.) Routine.  Yes fall is coming and along with it comes the craziness of fall sports, traffic, etc.  So get yourself back into your routine.  Plan your workouts, commit to the investment of time.  I am sure you know that doing so will give you more time in a day, you’re more productive, more energized, more positive and happy…and less stressed!

So there you have it 4 simple things to get back on track after that great summer vacation.

