On 7/4/24 Express clubs will be staffed until 12pm & can be accessed anytime using keycards. All other clubs will operate regular hours.

Merritt Clubs Blog

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Challenge Accepted: Cut the Crave

Challenge Accepted: Cut the Crave

Did you guys enjoy apple month?! I sure learned a lot about added sugar and junk food. Like for one, it’s delicious terrible for you. And it has a huge impact on your diet.
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How ‘Bout Them Apples?

We do believe the old saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and September is apple month! We are going all apple and teaching the benefits of this fabulous fruit. Let’s learn about ...
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Challenge Accepted: I’m in a Glass Cage of Emotion!

August was De-Clutter Your Mind month. Man did I need it. My mind has been a jumbled mess of incoherent ramblings lately since my mental health was pretty low on my list of priorities. Taking ...
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De-clutter Your Mind

Make you and your mental health a priority this month. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary. Focus on cutting out clutter in your life and things that cause you anxiety. We all deal with problems every ...
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Challenge Accepted: Slay All Day

July is our high-energy month, so I decided to take my daily routine to the next level and get more steps in! 10,000 steps per day is not necessarily the exact number of steps every ...
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Take It Up a Notch

Take your fitness to the next level. July is your ultimate high-energy month and we are kicking it up! Set yourself up for a month of quick stepping by making a daily step commitment. Walking ...
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Challenge Accepted: Water You Talking About?

Water! That’s what I thought about all month long. I kept thinking, why do we need to drink water? Then I realized… it’s because we can’t eat it. Knowledge is power.
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Happy Hydration

Join the water revolution and commit to a daily water intake! Water has limitless benefits, including promoting weight loss, healthier skin, more cushion on your joints, making sure your body functions at all on a ...
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Challenge Accepted: Pinch Me, I’m Dreaming

8 hours of sleep – is it possible? No, probably not…
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Sleeping Beauty

Are you getting enough sleep? Make sure you’re getting enough shut-eye with all the summer events starting up! Learn how to slow down at the end of the day, fall asleep sooner and feel more ...
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Challenge Accepted: Namaste All Day

Last month was stressful… Who am I kidding, every day is stressful. So I spent a week trying to relax.
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Stop Stressing

Time to put a little balance back in your life. April is Stress Awareness Month and we are focusing on helping you relieve some stress through yoga, meditation, acupuncture and massage. Stress is based in ...
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