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Here’s the Best Time to Do Cardio Exercise

Here’s the Best Time to Do Cardio Exercise

Shawn Arent, director of the Rutgers University Center for Health and Human Preferences, addressed a long-time concern of people trying to get the most positive effect for their workouts. When is the best time to ...
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Sodium vs. Potassium

For many years experts have warned the public about the dangers of consuming too much salt since the medical profession has linked it to such conditions as high blood pressure, osteoporosis, heart disease, and stroke. Salt ...
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Top 5 Reasons to Start Training for Strength and Conditioning

Many folks believe that cardiovascular activities (such as running, cycling, the elliptical machine) are the best way to maximize workouts. However, balancing cardio with strength training is actually vital for boosting overall health and fitness!
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2 Healthy Greek Yogurt Recipes That Will Give You a Punch of Protein

Breakfast, they say, is the most important meal of the day and you should start off your day with a meal containing fiber, healthy fats and protein. One of these breakfast foods that’s protein-rich is ...
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Working Out: Hormonal Impacts

The positive impacts of exercise on the body are visibly apparent: people who exercise frequently will watch their waistlines drop, their muscles tone, and their endurance improve. But just as significant are some of the ...
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Stretches To Do Before and After Working Out: Static Stretches vs. Dynamic Stretches

Before you engage in any type of physical activity, whether it involves playing sports, or lifting weights, it is necessary to warm up your body. Ever since we were little kids, teachers and coaches always ...
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Kids Fitness: Five Fun Pool Games to Keep Your Kids Active This Summer

School has been out and this is the time for kids to take a mental break from yellow school buses, school uniforms, and heavy backpacks. This, for many kids, means binge watching cartoons, having all-night ...
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5 Body Weight Exercises You Can Do While Brushing Your Teeth

Body weight exercises allow you to work out even when you have no special equipment around. In fact, these 5 exercises only require one hand free so you can even do them in the bathroom ...
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7 Liquid Calorie Tips for Losing Weight

Maybe you’re keeping track of every bite you eat, but what about that Iced Caramel Macchiato you just inhaled? Try these 7 suggestions that will help you to keep liquid calories from messing up your ...
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Three Competitive Swimming Opportunities Through Merritt Clubs

For some people, swimming has been a part of their lives from a young age. For other people, while they want to be a good swimmer, they only have a little swimming experience. Luckily, at ...
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6 Tips to Prep Your Child for Swim Lessons

Spring is in the air, and parents are beginning to think about getting their little ones registered for swim lessons.  Some children are fearless when it comes to the water, but others are a little ...
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How to Encourage Your Kids to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

While kids should be eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, all too often getting them to consume healthy foods can be a chore. But it’s important: obesity is the #1 childhood health problem in ...
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