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Why Your Child Needs to Take Swim Lessons

Why Your Child Needs to Take Swim Lessons

As summer approaches, you should start preparing for those lake, beach, and swimming pool days out with your child. Besides fancy swimwear, you also need to ensure your child can swim well independently.
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5 Ways To Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule

Working out isn’t just a way to stay fit, it’s also a great way to relax and increase your well-being.  For many people, unwinding at the gym is a go-to method for managing the stress ...
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How Running Benefits Mental Health

Running improves a person’s cardiovascular health, strengthens their muscles, and improves their overall bone strength. Besides the physical benefits, running also improves mental health in various ways.
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Exercises to Relieve Back Pain

A natural response to back pain is to avoid strenuous activity and rest. This is far from the truth. While resting for a day or two after the onset of back pain or injury may ...
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5 Tips to Kickstart Your Weight Loss Goals

Curious about where to start on your weight loss journey? Get back to basics with these effective fat-loss tips.
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5 Benefits of Having a Fitness Journal

Progress is made outside the gym just as much as it is made inside. Everyone knows that you need to eat right and sleep well, but most people overlook the benefits of mental organization. Here ...
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9 Tips When Planning to Work Out Won’t Work

There are many benefits to working out, such as heart disease prevention, mood improvement, and better sleep. However, despite the many foreseeable benefits, it can still be difficult to find the motivation to get up and ...
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What You Need to Know About Recovering After Workouts

Post-workout recovery is a critical time for your body to repair and energize. Without proper nourishment, it is difficult for tissues and organs to function at an optimal level. Here’s a closer look at why ...
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4 Tips for Building Better Sleep Habits

Getting enough sleep is essential to maintaining your health. The Sleep Foundation informs readers that it’s important for adults to get at least 7 hours of consistent sleep every night for proper brain and body functioning. ...
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Why You Should Try TRX Suspension Training

Figuring out which fitness equipment to use at the gym can be confusing. There’s so much to choose from that it’s hard to know which machine would best suit your needs and goals. For instance, ...
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Why Pets are Good for Your Heart’s Health

Having a pet is a rewarding experience. Not only do you have a best friend, but you also have a companion that can help you improve your health. Pets show unconditional love that can warm ...
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2 Heart Healthy Weeknight Recipes

The heart is an incredible organ, with the ability to deliver essential nutrients via an average of 5 liters of blood per minute to cells all over the body, while removing waste.  It is now ...
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