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Exercises for a Healthy Heart

Exercises for a Healthy Heart

Going to the gym regularly is an important part of keeping your heart healthy. But you may be wondering, “What kind of exercises are best for heart health?” Aerobic exercise and resistance training are some ...
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Struggling to Go Work Out at the Gym?

We’ve all been there: The gym bag is packed, sneaks are right there waiting but the alarm goes off and we hit “snooze” and then snooze again because we could always just go after work ...
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Beat the Sedentary Slump: Staying Fit Instead of Staying Seated

As the number of people who spend the majority of the day seated increases, so do the health risks associated with these sedentary habits. A lack of physical activity has several negative impacts on different ...
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Taco Tuesday: Fruity-Tooty Vegetarian Tacos

Who doesn’t absolutely love Taco Tuesday? Building and creating new ideas for tacos is a great way for the whole family to spend some time together! Here is a delicious and healthy recipe to sweeten ...
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Achieve Your Fitness Resolutions for 2022

The season for making New Year’s resolutions will be quickly upon us. What are you hoping to change or create in 2022? For many of us, some aspect of improving our fitness is the motivating ...
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Keeping Up With Workouts While Traveling For The Holidays

During the holiday season, many of us tend to take a plane or have a road trip in order to see family members. Staying in a different environment may pose a challenge in keeping up ...
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Balancing A Healthy Diet With Holiday Food

The holiday season is known as a difficult time for those trying to begin or maintain a diet. It does not have to be this way. Using the strategies outlined here, you will be able ...
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Top 3 Reasons Boxing Should be Part of Your Workout Routine

As an exercise, boxing is gaining popularity. People who box for fitness frequently use a punching bag to avoid physical contact that might cause concussions and other injuries. And this type of workout has many ...
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5 Beneficial Exercises for Active Agers

Our bodies will never stop needing exercise. Everyone knows you either use it or you lose it. Many benefits include helping with flexibility, posture, joint mobility, maintaining and building muscle mass and keeping us heart ...
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Burpees: The Swiss Army Knife of Exercises

Looking for a heart-pumping, sweat-inducing, full-body exercise that will tone you from the inside out? The notorious burpee is an all-in-one, time-effective exercise that boosts cardiorespiratory health, lowers blood pressure, and challenges the entire body. ...
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The Whole-Body Benefits Of Barre: Exercise Incorporating Ballet, Yoga & Pilates

Finding the time and energy to sneak a workout into our busy, daily schedules can feel daunting at the best of times. However, that doesn’t have to mean that it’s impossible. Finding fun, new exercise ...
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Mixing Up Your Cardio Routine: Have You Tried the Rower Yet?

We all know the benefits of cardio exercise and how it can enhance our lives, both now and as we get older, but let’s face it—sometimes it can feel more like a chore than an ...
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