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Your Healthy Gut: Probiotics

Your Healthy Gut: Probiotics

Probiotics have been getting a lot of press, particularly over the past few years in the United States. While they might sound like the cutting edge of medicine though, probiotics have actually been around for ...
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I Feel Your Heartbeat Beating

Happy Valentine’s Day! Many people think of February as the month of love, but it is also American Heart Month. Although heart disease may often be thought of as a problem for men, it is ...
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Three Reasons to Use a Personal Trainer

There are many reasons to hire a Personal Trainer. You might want to lose weight or put on some muscle. It could be your first time setting foot in a gym or you need to ...
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Gradually Reducing Salt and Sugar is Good for Your Healthy Lifestyle

Even if you know that cutting down on salt and sugar would be good for your healthy lifestyle, you may not get around to doing anything about it. When you’re feeling swamped with responsibilities at ...
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Replenish and Reward: Nutritious Meal Options for Post-Workout

You just had a killer workout, pushing yourself to the absolute limit. As you head home from the gym, dripping with self-satisfaction, it’s easy to want to reward yourself with junk food. But you worked hard, ...
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Importance of Self-Care While Working Out

Have you ever found a workout that you wanted to try? Did you jump right in and almost over-do it because you were working so hard to get that end result? Often, workouts, diets, and fitness ...
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Best Workouts for Joint Pain

Many of us have a variety of issues that make exercising more difficult. One of the most common problems is joint pain, either from a chronic illness such as arthritis or by being a little ...
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Yogurt-Covered Pretzels: The Perfect Healthy Gift This Holiday Season

Health facts about yogurt have continuously made their way into the news. Most recently, topics up for discussion have included its probiotics, vitamin D and calcium content. Because it is obviously so healthy, why not use yogurt to make ...
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How Much Cardio is Too Much Cardio?

Cardio is well-known for having wonderful benefits for the body. It helps with weight loss, helps to control blood sugar and helps reduce fatigue. However, there is such a thing as too much cardio, and it can ...
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Why Group Fitness Beats Going Solo

Working out gives you more than just a nice figure for clothes. It improves your body’s health, raises your spirits and helps you reach emotional and mental wellness. Knowing these wonderous benefits doesn’t always propel ...
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5 Nutrition Tips for Eating More Fruits and Vegetables

If you like nutrition advice that’s easy and gives you lots of choices for delicious meals and snacks, there’s one place to start. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They’re low in calories, high in the ...
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Fitness for Active Agers Means Never Skipping the Warm Up

It’s important for everyone to warm up before a workout, and those minutes spent priming your mind and body to get moving are especially important for fitness for active agers. Learn how to make the ...
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