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3 Mental Health Benefits of Exercising

3 Mental Health Benefits of Exercising

In a world with the exponential growth of metabolic syndrome, lifestyle conditions can be a significant, cost-effective way of improving health. Lifestyle modifications can often be necessary for individuals with mental illness. Many of these ...
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3 Steps to Kick that Extra Weight to the Curb

If you put on a few extra pounds during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’re definitely not alone. Let’s face it: the coronavirus has put a damper on many aspects of our lives, including our relationships, our ...
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What to Do If You Hate Running, But Want to Love It

Have you ever talked someone who loves to run? They make it sound glorious.
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Winter Fitness for Kids

Most kids stay active throughout the summer, as the sun is out and the weather is warm. When the winter months come around, many kids tend to get lazy and are not as active. This ...
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The Balancing Act: How Making Small Adjustments Can Make a Big Difference

There is no master key to living a healthy life, and no one solution is going to be the answer to making life simple. Finding balance in your daily routine and making adjustments to the ...
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Why You Should Give Working Out with Music a Try

Some people will tell you they absolutely have to listen to music while working out. However, others might say they can’t stand it or have never tried.
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IHRSA Passport Program and TrainAway

Traveling for the holidays? Don’t miss a workout with the IHRSA Passport Program and TrainAway
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Cranberries are Part of a Healthy Life, All Year Long!

Welcome to the holiday season! Cranberries are commonly found at the dinner table during this time of the year, but don’t forget about all the other months and days! These gorgeous, ruby colored berries are ...
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Why You Should be Doing More Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are a total body exercise that offer numerous health and physique benefits. Just about everybody knows what a pull-up is…grip the bar so your body is suspended by your hands and pull yourself up. ...
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Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween! This is it! The kids have changed their minds about costumes no less than 5 times, the pumpkins are carved and lit, and all that’s left is the magical night of trick or ...
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Frightful Fitness

It’s hard to believe, but Halloween is next week. And, it’s not a far leap to see Thanksgiving and the December holidays just around the corner. Depending on how you look at it, Halloween could ...
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Staying Active With Limitations or Injuries

Staying active and fit is not just for the top athletes in prime shape. Whether you have a physical limitation which reduces the amount of time you can walk or a recent or chronic injury ...
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