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Just a Matter of Time

It’s that time of the year. The holidays are looming, college students are in the thick of finals, the short days pass very quickly, and everyone is rushing to finish shopping, studying, working, schlepping, and ...
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IHRSA Passport Program and TrainAway

Traveling for the holidays? Don’t miss a workout with the IHRSA Passport Program and TrainAway
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How to Stay Active at an Office Job

Just because you’re not outside or in a gym does not mean you can’t be active. There are ample opportunities in every environment…no excuses. Staying active at work provides many benefits. Use these tips to ...
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Vacation Planning: Tips for Staying Fit

Okay so you booked your time off for your well-deserved and much anticipated vacation.  However, you’re a committed and devoted exerciser. So how do you keep going while away and not let your vacation sidetrack ...
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Stay Fit This Summer

It’s Summer – Have Fun and Still Stay Fit Summer is hot and all you want to do is lay by the pool.  Who can blame you? It’s cool, refreshing and much more fun.  Yet ...
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Study Shows an Association Between Exercise and Brain Health Later in Life

For those in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s, it feels like life is moving at warp speed. Between a career, household responsibilities, raising children, and other family commitments, the one thing that often gets put ...
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Great Sports for Fast Weight Loss and a Healthy Lifestyle (Part 2)

Last time, we profiled two great sports that will help you lose weight and promote a healthy lifestyle. Here is part two of that post, which contains two more sports that anyone can do. Both of ...
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3 Tips for Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

Nowadays, it seems to have become hard to lead a healthy lifestyle because you get a lot of conflicting information from different sources.  Egg yolks are constantly going in and out of fashion.  Some health gurus ...
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Metabolic Weight Loss Versus Metabolic Syndrome

If you want to realize the full potential of metabolic weight loss, you need to protect yourself from metabolic syndrome. This cluster of conditions has been growing at an alarming rate. Fortunately, most people can ...
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24 Hour Gyms Provide a Cure for the Crowded Gym

Yes, you still have a little time before the New Year, but it couldn’t hurt to beat the crowd and start looking into 24 hour gyms. Maybe you are the type who thrives on the ...
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Why a Fitness Routine Promotes Healthy Living and More

We all seem to fall easily into routines. Whether it be getting up and performing the same daily tasks, or following the same route to work, or setting a work routine, we do it all ...
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3 Primary Components Men Need to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

There are a variety of avenues a man can take to lead a healthier way of life, but there are three primary components that men need to live a healthy lifestyle. 
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