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Workout Tips

Three Simple Things: Strong, Lean and Fit

We all know that when you work out or move, you feel better.  You act better and you simply are better.  So this spring let’s get moving and keep moving.
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Use Foam Rollers to Maintain a Healthy Life in Your Gym Workouts

Foam rollers are a common sight at the gym. Why? No less an authority than the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) notes that working a foam roller, either before or after your main gym ...
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3 Ways to Override the Urge to Quit

So the dread fitness cliff has come and gone – at this point you may have fallen off the cliff of you r new year’s resolutions and are feeling down and out.  DON’T!  this is ...
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Healthy Lifestyle Tip: Schedule Rest Days When Training for a Race

When it comes to a new challenge, getting started is by far the hardest part. Yet, once you’ve taken that first step towards your goal, it’s actually quite easy to be fully consumed by the ...
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Exercise Your Options: 4 Strategies to Increase Body Tone

Have you hit a rut or reached a plateau in your workout regimen? Then it is time to exercise your options. Try implementing these new strategies in your weekly workout plan to boost metabolism, burn ...
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Ways to Ensure Morning Workouts Happen

If your new habit is to start waking up early so you can get your workout in, but you’re not a morning person, load up the coffeemaker the night before and set out your work ...
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How to Nail Your First Trip to Gym

Getting started on an exercise program isn’t easy for anyone, especially if you’re committed to joining a new health club. Regardless of whether or not you have experience in a gym setting, every club is different ...
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4 Ways Keep Your Joints Healthy

People that get into exercise often neglect to pay attention to the health of their joints. As a result, they often do serious damage to these vital parts of the body. Learn how to exercise ...
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5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Work Out

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The Benefits of Dynamic Stretching

When approaching a workout , one thing that is overlooked is warming up the muscles. When the muscles/body/circulatory system is warmed up, the workout becomes more effective. Making a workout more effective translates into results, ...
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9 Things You Should Always Have in Your Gym Bag

A well- packed  gym bag  is an effective way to maximize your time in any fitness center and minimize  the aggravation the comes from having to just make do. Before you  head  to the gym, ...
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Four Things You Should Be Doing Prior To A Race or Competition

For those of you who express their fitness competitively in other ways such as triathlons, a 5k race or even a marathon, there are a few things you should do to have yourself in top ...
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